Researched by: Yaroslav Harakhavik
Selling malware as a service (MaaS) is a reliable way for criminals to make money. Recently, various Remote Access Tools (RAT) have become increasingly popular. Though these RATs are marketed as malicious tools, their vendors like pretending that they simply sell legitimate software for system administrators, and offer different subscription plans and customer support. Some of them even include a license agreement and terms of use. The developers of such tools are constantly improving them and adding new features, resulting in increasingly sophisticated RATs.
In our report, we describe Warzone RAT, whose developers provide a wide range of different features.
The first Warzone RAT advertisement publicly emerged during autumn 2018 on warzone[.]io (not accessible as of the writing of this article). Currently, the selling service is hosted on warzone[.]pw.
Malware actors also operate a dynamic DNS service at warzonedns[.]com.
According to the description from the website, the malware boasts the following capabilities and features:
Figure 1 – The advertisement on warzone[.]io.
Figure 2 – The most recent advertisement on warzone[.]pw.
The web-site also offers different ways to contact the malware actor:
Buyers can choose one of three subscription plans:
Figure 3 – Subscription plan selection on warzone[.]pw.
In addition, the creators offer two more options:
Figure 4 – Exploit and Crypter subscription plans
There is also a publicly available knowledge base, which contains guidelines for using the WarzoneRAT builder. The configuration guides include “Building a Client”, “HDRP lost password and username”, “Keylogger”, etc.
Figure 5 – Knowledge Base of warzone[.]pw.
It is possible to find Warzone bundles on VirusTotal. Probably they were leaked by the customers themselves.
Figure 6 – Leaked Warzone Bundles search
Warzone is a RAT which is written in C++ and compatible with all Windows releases.
The malware developers have a dynamic DNS service at warzonedns[.]com, which means buyers aren’t affected by IP address changes.
Warzone bypasses UAC (User Account Control) to disarm Windows Defender and puts itself into the list of startup programs. Finally, it runs a routine to handle C&C commands. In our report, we focus on each of these actions.
There are several different versions of Warzone and the malware is constantly being improved. Some of the described features can differ according to version
If Warzone RAT runs with elevated privileges, it adds a whole C:\ path to exclusions of Windows Defender, utilizing the following PowerShell command:
powershell Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath C:\
Otherwise, the malware bypasses UAC and escalates privileges with two different approaches – one for Windows 10 and the other for older versions:
Figure 7 – Beginning of Warzone workflow.
Figure 8 – UAC bypass strategies.
When sdclt.exe
is called from a medium integrity process (i.e. the process with standard user rights), the following events occur:
, with high privilege.sdclt
process calls C:\Windows\System32\control.exe.
process runs with high privilege and tries to open HKCU\Software\Classes\Folder\shell\open\command
registry value which is not found.The malware performs COM hijacking by setting the path to itself to the HKCU\Software\Classes\Folder\shell\open\command
key with a DelegateExecute
Basically, these actions can be substituted with the following commands:
reg add "HKCU\Software\Classes\Folder\shell\open\command" /d "<PATH_TO_MALWARE>" /f
reg add HKCU\Software\Classes\Folder\shell\open\command /v "DelegateExecute" /f
Finally, the malware terminates itself. It will be run with elevated privileges by sdclt.exe.
Figure 9 – Windows 10 UAC bypass.
For Windows versions below Windows 10, the malware performs an IFileOperation exploit by Leo Davidson.
First, it creates a registry hive _rptls in HKCU\SOFTWARE.
This includes a value Install with the path to itself
Figure 10 – HKCU\SOFTWARE\Install.
Then, the malware loads an executable file from WM_DSP resource and runs a shellcode that contains approximately1500 bytes (after decrypting it with XOR 0x45).
The shellcode resolves some functions, runs an instance of cmd.exe in a suspended state and performs a process replacement (ZwUnmapViewOfSection – VirtualAllocEx – GetThreadContext – WriteProcessMemory – SetThreadContext).
Figure 11 – Resolving functions in the shellcode
The code which is responsible for UAC bypass is taken from AVE_MARIA malware.
The following snippets show how the privilege escalation is performed in the context of cmd.exe
Figure 12 – New entry point of cmd.exe after process replacement
The malware extracts dismcore.dll
from its WM_DISM resource and drops it to %TEMP% directory along with the xml file ellocnak.xml
Figure 13 – Dropping ellocnak.xml
with a configuration.
Then it masquerades PEB (Process Environment Block) to invoke IFileOperation at a high integrity level.
Figure 14 – Masquerading PEB.
In the next step, it uses pkgmgr.exe to load a dismcore.dll with elevated privileges.
Figure 15 – Privilege elevation.
The loaded DLL retrieves the path to the Warzone malicious file from HKCU\SOFTWARE\_rptls\Install
, iterates through running processes and kills the Warzone process if it already exists. Then it runs the Warzone executable again, this time with Admin privileges.
The malware copies itself to C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\<INSTALL_NAME>.exe
and adds this path to HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
. By default the <INSTALL_NAME> is images.exe, but Warzone’s builder allows specifying any name of this executable file.
It also creates a registry hive HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\UIF2IS2OVK
and puts a pseudo-random generated sequence of 256 bytes under the inst value there.
If the malware was run without Admin privilege and it hasn’t been already terminated by its elevated instance, it copies itself to C:\ProgramData\<PREDEFINED_NAME>
and simply runs itself again from the new location.
The malware communicates with its C&C server via TCP over the 5200 port. The packets’ payload is encrypted with RC4 using the password “warzone160\x00” (the final null terminator is used as a part of the encryption key).
The layout of an unencrypted packet:
Figure 16 – Unencrypted packet structure.
Example: unencrypted response packet:
Figure 17 – A response from the Warzone server.
Table 1 – Response packet fields
Offset | Size | Info |
0x00 | 4 bytes | Magic number |
0x04 | 4 bytes | Payload size |
0x08 | 4 bytes | Packet ID |
0x0C | [Payload size] | Payload data |
Even though Warzone is supposed to encrypt its TCP packets, some versions use non-encrypted communication.
Figure 18 – Encrypted and Non-encrypted Warzone TCP streams.
The strings in packet payload are stored in the following format:
Figure 19 – BSTR structure layout.
The malware decrypts the C&C server domain and tries to connect to it. After the server accepts the connection, it sends a packet with the message ID = 0 and an empty payload to the client. In return, the malware collects information about the infiltrated computer and sends it back to the server in a response packet. This packet contains the following data:
The bot ID is a SHA-1 hash of MachineGUID
registry value in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Cryptography.
The bot then waits for further commands from the server. Server message IDs are even numbers from 0x00 to 0x3C. The bot’s packets are represented by add IDs from 0x01 to 0x3B. Some commands (such as a command to terminate the bot) are not supposed to have an answer in the response or else contain an empty payload.
Basically, the bot provides the attacker with an ability to control an infected PC using a remote shell, RDP or VNC console. It provides remote task and file managers, streams the desktop to the attacker, allows using a web camera, and more.
The following table contains the majority of message codes that a client and a server exchange with each other. The codes can be slightly different across Warzone versions.
ID | Source | Info |
0x00 | C&C | Machine Info Request |
0x01 | BOT | Machine Info Response |
0x02 | C&C | Enumerate Processes Request |
0x03 | BOT | Enumerate Processes Response |
0x04 | C&C | Enumerate Disks Request |
0x05 | BOT | Enumerate Disks Response |
0x06 | C&C | List Directory |
0x07 | BOT | List Directory |
0x08 | C&C | Read File |
0x09 | BOT | Read File |
0x0A | C&C | Delete File Request |
0x0B | BOT | Delete File Response |
0x0C | C&C | Kill Process |
0x0E | C&C | Remote Shell Request |
0x0F | BOT | Remote Shell Response |
0x11 | BOT | Get Connected Cameras Response |
0x12 | C&C | Get Connected Cameras Request |
0x13 | C&C | Camera BMP Frame Transmission |
0x14 | C&C | Start Camera |
0x15 | BOT | Heartbeat (per 20 sec) |
0x16 | C&C | Stop Camera |
0x17 | BOT | VNC port setup Response |
0x18 | C&C | Heartbeat (per 20 sec) |
0x19 | BOT | Browsers’ Passwords Recovery Response |
0x1A | C&C | Uninstall Bot |
0x1C | C&C | Upload File |
0x1D | BOT | RDP Response |
0x1E | C&C | Send Executable File to a Client |
0x20 | C&C | Browsers’ Passwords Recovery |
0x22 | C&C | Download & Execute Request |
0x24 | C&C | Keylogger (Online) |
0x25 | BOT | Download & Execute Response |
0x26 | C&C | Keylogger (Offline) |
0x28 | C&C | RDP |
0x2A | C&C | Reverse Proxy Start |
0x2C | C&C | Reverse Proxy Stop |
0x30 | C&C | VNC port setup Request |
0x32 | C&C | VNC Stop |
0x33 | C&C | Escalate Privileges |
0x38 | C&C | Reverse Sock Port Setup Request |
0x3A | C&C | Run file (cmd /c open <file_path>) |
0x3B | BOT | Get Log storage path Response |
0x3C | C&C | Get Log storage path Request |
C&C Request ID: 0x00
BOT Response ID: 0x01
Request Payload Layout: None
Response Payload Layout
C&C Request ID: 0x02
BOT Response ID: 0x03
Request Layout: None
Response Payload Layout:
C&C Request ID: 0x04
BOT Response ID: 0x05
Request Payload Layout: None
Response Payload Layout:
Request example:
Response example:
C&C Request ID: 0x06
BOT Response ID: 0x07
Request Payload Layout:
Response Payload Layout:
Request example:
Response example:
C&C Request ID: 0x0A
BOT Response ID: 0x0B
Request Payload Layout:
Response Payload Layout:
Request example:
Response example:
C&C Request ID: 0x20
BOT Response ID: 0x19
Request Payload Layout: None
Response Payload Layout:
Request example:
Response example:
C&C Request ID: 0x22
BOT Response ID: None
Request Payload Layout:
Response Payload Layout: None
C&C Request ID: 0x1A
BOT Response ID: None
Request Payload Layout: None
Response Payload Layout: None
One of the leaked Warzone panels/builders represents Warzone version 1.84. It is written in .NET and is obfuscated by a custom obfuscator.
Figure 20 – Warzone panel.
The code is obfuscated by numerous arithmetical calculations and switch constructions that do not influence the control flow and are supposed to hide the useful instructions.
For example, the constructor of the class in Figure 21 (below) has 365 lines of code which do only one thing: assign the constructor argument to a class member.
Figure 21 – Decompiled panel code.
From the context menu of the corresponding bot, the buyer can fully control the infected machine using remote command line, process/file manager and other features.
Figure 22 – Context menu of a bot record.
The panel bundle contains the following items:
Warzone RAT*.exe
and Warzone RAT*.exe.config
.NET assembly and configuration file of the panel.license.dll
and PETools.dll.
(cb6d6f17c102a8288704fe38dd9e2cf9) for the builder.Figure 23 – Content of the panel bundle.
Though Warzone is represented as a legitimate tool, similar to other popular RATs, it is practically an ordinary Trojan with functionality similar to other RATs. It can be distributed by other malicious software or via spam mail.
On the other hand, unlike many other popular RATs (e.g. NanoCore, Remcos, etc.) which are developed using .NET, Warzone was written with object-oriented C++ code. Warzone also has its own network protocol over TCP instead of using HTTP communication. In addition to a custom network protocol and a nice network infrastructure, Warzone includes 2 different UAC bypass approaches which are quite reliable for Windows 10 and prior versions.
In general, the malware-as-a-service approach is currently very popular. More and more frequently, many ordinary Trojans are sold with an existing infrastructure and constant support from their developers. Such a centralized architecture makes it easier and more convenient for threat actors to reinforce new malicious campaigns.
Check Point protections keep our customers secure from attacks by Warzone and other remote access tools.
Sample examples
SHA256 |
531d967b9204291e70e3aab161a5b7f1001339311ece4f2eed8e52e91559c755 |
a03764da06bbf52678d65500fa266609d45b972709b3213a8f83f52347524cf2 |
263433966d28f1e6e5f6ae389ca3694495dd8fcc08758ea113dddc45fe6b3741 |
String | Type |
warzone160 | ASCII |
Command Line |
powershell Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath C:\ |
Registry Detection
Registry Path | Registry Key | Values |
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings | MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server | 10 |
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings | MaxConnectionsPerServer | 10 |
HKCU\Software\_rptls | Install | <PATH_TO_MALWARE> |
File System Detection
File Name | Comments |
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft Vision\ | Directory |
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft Vision\([0-2][0-9]|(3)[0-1])(-)(((0)[0-9])|((1)[0-2]))(-)\d{4}_(?:[01]\d|2[0123])\.(?:[012345]\d)\.(?:[012345]\d) | Regex for datetime in format: DD-MM-YYYY_HH.mm.SS |
C&C servers
Domains | Communication Type |
*.warzonedns[.]com | TCP over 5200 |
Product | Detect Name |
Anti-Bot | Trojan.Win32.Warzone.E |