• Check Point Research Publications
  • Threat Research

Bandook: Signed & Delivered

November 26, 2020

Introduction .wp-block-table td { font-family: monospace; padding-right: 5px } .wp-caption .wp-caption-text { ...

  • Check Point Research Publications
  • Threat Research

Pay2Key – The Plot Thickens

November 12, 2020

Introduction Last weekend we issued a ransomware alert about a wave of attacks using a never-seen-before strain dubbed ...

  • Check Point Research Publications
  • Threat Research

Exploit Developer Spotlight: The Story of PlayBit

October 26, 2020

Research By: Eyal Itkin and Itay Cohen Introduction Exploits have always been an important and integral part of malicious attacks. They ...

  • Check Point Research Publications
  • Threat Research

Rampant Kitten – An Iranian Espionage Campaign

September 18, 2020

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