• Check Point Research Publications
  • Threat Research
May 28, 2024

Packers or crypters are widely used to protect malicious software from detection and static analysis. These ...

  • Check Point Research Publications
May 23, 2024

Key Findings Sharp Dragon’s (Formerly referred to as Sharp Panda) operations continue, expanding ...

  • Check Point Research Publications
May 20, 2024

Void Manticore is an Iranian threat actor affiliated with the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS). ...

  • Check Point Research Publications
May 14, 2024

Research by: Antonis Terefos Introduction PDF (Portable Document Format) files have become an ...

  • Check Point Research Publications
April 22, 2024

For the latest discoveries in cyber research for the week of 22nd April, please download our Threat_Intelligence ...

  • Check Point Research Publications
April 4, 2024

Key takeaways Dating apps often use location data, to show users nearby and their distances. However, ...

  • Check Point Research Publications
April 2, 2024

Research by: Antonis Terefos, Raman Ladutska Part I from the series E-Crime & Punishment ...

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Check Point Research Publications

Author : Yoav Arad Pinkas Key Findings AI is already extensively utilized in election ...